$600.00 USD

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Consulting - 1:1 Guided Manufacturer Introduction

You will also receive access to the VIP Direct Connect BONUS Guide!


Tired of spinning your wheels? Want to ensure a direct introduction to a reliable product manufacturer? This is the best option for you. Choose the product and we will get you introduced to a quality, dependable manufacturing team. This offer begins with a Design Brief and includes an intro call to get you two briefed and acquainted so you can be off to the races. This engagement concludes with sample development - we will be right here with you along the way!


We have put together a quick BONUS guide as a supplement to this offering! What's included:

  • Guide to creating your Design Brief
  • List of THE critical questions to ask in your manufacturer interviews to qualify the vendor and map out your launch budget and schedule.
  • Direct Introduction to the product manufacturer of your choice including planning session! (typically reserved for our Retainer engagements)